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Unfit Christian & Brave Space Communities

I am thrilled that you’re considering joining the Unfit Christian community. In full transparency, I would like to inform you that we do not practice SAFE space but rather BRAVE space.

A safe space is ideally one that doesn’t incite judgment based on identity or experience – where the expression of both can exist and be affirmed without fear of repercussion and without the pressure to educate. While learning may occur in these spaces, the ultimate goal is to provide support.

That’s not what this collective was designed to do. You will be challenged. You will be asked to educate and be expected to be open to education. When you are egregiously wrong and harmful, you will face repercussions.

BUT a brave space encourages dialogue. Recognizing difference and holding each person accountable to do the work of sharing experiences and coming to new understandings – a feat that’s often hard, and typically uncomfortable.

In borrowing from The People’s Supper, Unfit Christian as a brand, movement, and collective strives to maintain BRAVE Space rather than SAFE Space.

“Brave Space is a statement that while no space is perfect, people who come to [Unfit Christian] will be supported in this imperfect space and be able share our stories. So while people share their stories and bare their scars, the group has a responsibility to elevate and hear their stories. Brave Space works to create a space that is supporting, healing, and nurturing to all involved.”

Safe spaces have their place and I do not, at all, disregard their utility. However, my goal with this work is to disrupt. And that’s not possible to do if we’re constantly fearful of challenging and being challenged. It’s not possible if we’re constantly fettered by the pressure to *already* be educated in every conversation, question, and answer we give.

As always, I invite you to evaluate if this space is good for you at this point in your life. I don’t take departures personal and I respect the need for everyone to align with what helps them be their best self. But, aligned with my desire to make this a space of earnest learning, loving, and fellowship, I must follow the path I believe will best get us there.



Starting at $10/month, the Unfit Christian Patreon offers its members behind-the-scenes content as well as exclusive classes, writing, and deeper dive analysis on faith and spirituality.

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Unfit Christian Congregation

Hosted on Facebook, the Unfit Christian Congregation launched in 2017 as a digital community for the growing unchurched population. From Pop Culture to the pulpit, UCC discusses it all with humor and wit.

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Unfit Church

Created in 2020 and hosted on Mighty Networks, Unfit Church is the larger digital home of the Unfit Christian Congregation. This space includes specialized subgroups and is a great alternative to Facebook.

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