Digital Tip Jar

Thank you for visiting the blog! Without your views, Unfit Christian would simply be a large echo chamber of my own voice. I am because you are, so thank you.

Here are a few ways to support the work of Unfit Christian:

I pour a lot into Unfit Christian and its corresponding social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, IG). As you may have noticed, this site is run without ads, sponsored content, or other monetization methods that would lessen your user experience. Still, money answers all things (Come through, Ecclesiastes 10:19).

Join theĀ Unfit Christian Congregation on Patreon.

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Can’t afford to contribute monthly? No worries. You can make a one-time contribution to Unfit Christian via Venmo (@UnfitChristian) PayPal [click] or Cash App [click].

Just so you know: Unfit Christian is neither a nonprofit nor charitable organization, and as such your donations are not tax-deductible. By extension, in order to collect contributions through PayPal, your donations are technically classified as “payments.”